Industrial Effluent Treatment System (IETS)
For IETS, we provide services as:
1. Industrial Effluent Treatment System Design
2. Industrial Effluent Treatment Plant and Equipment Supply
3. Environmental Consultancy
We offer technical service and consultancy to customers to improve their waste water treatment plant performance.
4. On-site visit, survey and evaluate treatment solutions.
5. Conduct Jar Test, Turbidity Test, SV30 Test, etc.
6. To perform DOE submission to obtain “Notification” for waste water treatment plant.

On Site Jar Test

Example of IETS Notification

On Site Jar Test

Example of IETS Notification
Industrial Effluent Treatment Plant and Equipment Supply
i. Static Screen for effluent pre-treatment

ii. Automated Chemical Reaction Tank

iii. Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) System

iii. Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) System 2

iv. Actual DAF in operation

v. Initial condition when the dissolved air being applied

vi. After 30 seconds, all the sludges have been lifted onto the surface and clear treated effluent was obtained

vii. Aeration System for SBR

viii. Filter Press

ix. Belt Press for sludge dewatering

Video Sharing 1: DAF Performance
Media 1: Actual DAF Performance
Media 2: Actual Treated Effluent Quality After DAF system
Video Sharing 2: Belt Press Performance
Media 3: Belt Press Performance