Air Pollution Control System (APCS) / Scrubber System

For APCS, we provided service as:

1. Provide consultation on Scrubber System.

2. To perform DOE submission to obtain “Notification” for Scrubber System.

Example of APCS Notification

Example of APCS Notification

Air Pollution Control System (APCS) / Scrubber System (Installation)

i. Scrubber System Overview

Scrubber System Overview

ii. Scrubber System Side View

Scrubber System Side View

iii. Sampling Ports according to MS 1596: 2003 Standard

Sampling Ports according to MS 1596

iv. Performance Monitoring Equipment: Differential Pressure Gauges

Performance Monitoring Equipment

v. Work In Progress

Work In Progress

vi. Work in Progress

Work in Progress1

vii. Work In Progress

working in progress 2